Your foundation under pressure….

Even on the sunniest of days, your foundation walls and floor may be keeping hundreds of gallons of water at bay. Never underestimate the power of water trapped underground. Click here to learn more about the devastating affects of hydrostatic…

What is Iron Ocher

 or Iron Bacteria…. commonly known as iron ocher, iron algae, or as some basement waterproofing installers call it, red slime or the “red stuff”. Actually the problem is not really iron ocher. Iron bacteria are microorganisms that use iron ocher…

4 Stages of a Water Problem

What stage is your foundation at? Stage 1 (no visible water yet) Mould, mildew, musty odour Dampness Discolouration on wall coverings Rust on appliances Occupant/s experiencing allergies Stage 2 (no visible water yet) White powder on walls (efflorescence) Consistently damp…