Exterior Waterproofing

Whether your foundation is poured wall, cinderblock, stone, brick or insulated concrete forms, we have the methods, products and expertise to eliminate your seepage issues.

cross-section-display-OutsideFrom wall cracks to entire foundation perimeter waterproofing, no job is too big or too small.

  • When the weather, temperature and soil conditions permit exterior waterproofing applications can commence.
  • Utility locates are conducted prior to any machine or hand excavation.
  • We excavate the affected area/s around your home down to the footing
  • The foundation wall is cleaned, dried and prepped for the waterproofing process
  • Any cracks or holes are repaired
  • The waterproofing membrane is applied according to manufacturer’s specifications up to grade
  • The dimpled air gap membrane is then Installed
  • Weeping tile is replaced as needed
  • Drainage stone is installed in accordance with the building code
  • The excavated trench or hole is then backfilled with native soil and the work area is cleaned up

Exterior waterproofing applications address wall infiltration only and do not have the capability of dealing with any future high water table contents that may occur, in the form of hydro static pressure that pushes up through the floor. Since each home presents with its own unique situation/s we always assess each home individually to provide you with the most cost effective and applicable resolution.