Concrete Raising Wyoming

As a 100% Canadian owned and operated company, Basement Boss provides professional concrete raising services in Wyoming. Choose the most cost effective alternative to concrete replacement and enjoy a complimentary on-site assessment. The professional concrete raising provided by Basement Boss allows you same day use enjoyment, while eliminating sunken and pitching concrete, protecting you from trip hazards. We take our time, professionally addressing and resolving your concrete issues.

How Polyurethane Concrete Raising works

Our concrete raising technicians attend your Wyoming location, injecting high density expanding polyurethane foam into small pre-drilled holes. The injected Polyurethane has the ability to spread along the void, assisting in raising sunken concrete. Our Wyoming technicians closely oversee the concrete raising procedures, taking note of the slope of the slab and slowly adding more material until the concrete slab has reached the desired levels.

Premium Concrete Raising

Ensuring there is a smaller weight burden placed on an already compromised soil base, our concrete raising is superior to regular Mud Jacking. With our lightweight Polyurethane material, only 2lbs of material is needed per cubic foot, compared to the 100lbs required of mud-jacking.

We’ve designed our concrete raising process to be minimally invasive, drilling smaller 5/8” holes to reduce potential cracking from drilling. Our concrete raising in Wyoming is usually done in 1-2 hours, and unlike Mud Jacking, our Polyurethane is both water and erosion resistant, never changing shape.

Safe And Secure Concrete Raising

Our Polyurethane remains eco-friendly and will not leach into the soil. We also use recycled foam products in our polyurethane mixtures, diverting materials that would otherwise end up in a landfill.

Let our concrete raising specialists assist you in Wyoming, on hand to complete a full assessment of your sunken concrete and uneven areas before providing you with a complimentary estimate.