Concrete Raising Sarnia

Basement Boss provides professional concrete raising services to Sarnia. It is our pleasure to offer you an on-site complimentary assessment, in order to provide you with the most cost effective alternative to concrete replacement and same day use enjoyment. Basement Boss will eliminate your trip hazards, sunken and pitching concrete once and for all. 100% Canadian owned and operated, we take the time to diagnose your concrete issues fully and look forward to resolving your concrete issues.

How does Polyurethane Concrete Raising work?

Our concrete raising technicians visit your Sarnia location and inject high density expanding polyurethane foam through small pre-drilled holes. Once the Polyurethane has been injected, it spreads along the void and then expands causing the sunken concrete to raise. During the concrete raising procedure, our Sarnia technicians observe the entire slab, pumping more material at small intervals until the concrete slab has reached an even and correct elevation.

Concrete Raising With A Difference

Unlike regular Mud Jacking, Polyurethane material is much lighter than Mud-jacking material, only 2lbs of Polyurethane material is required for every 100lbs of mud-jacking material per cubic foot. This means less weight burden placement on an already compromised soil base.

Our Polyurethane injection process also uses smaller drill 5/8” holes, reducing the chances of cracking from drilling. Superior to Mud Jacking, Polyurethane never changes shape and is both water and erosion resistant. Our Sarnia-based concrete raising procedures are normally completed within 1-2 hours.

Enjoy Eco-Friendly Concrete Raising

Polyurethane is environmentally friendly and does not leach into the surrounding soil. Our polyurethane mixtures are also made from recycled foam products which otherwise would be slated for the landfill.

If you are located in or around the Sarnia area, our concrete raising specialists are here to serve you, providing a complimentary review of your sunken concrete and trip hazards, and full estimate at no cost.