EZ Breathe™ Garage Ventilation

It’s not about the garage- it’s about the house….
see how EZ Breathe™ Garage Ventilation can help you.

and the health & safety of the people who live there.

So, what’s in your garage…?

“74% of all carbon monoxide detectors that went off in the home were triggered by pollutants & toxins leaking into the home from the attached garage”

-University of Minnesota, Dept. of Agriculture study, 2011

Car Exhaust…Carbon Monoxide- from vehicle’s engine off-gas for at least 3 hours, and when HOT… off-gassing is continuous.Although car exhaust is a major concern, it’s much more than that car-exhaust-460_980077c
Benzene…a carcinogen found in gasoline, flammable“NO CONCENTRATION IS SAFE” gas can
Contaminants…VOC’s from storage items in the garage such as fertilizers, paints, pesticides etc. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAbox4white

E.Z. Breathe Garage Ventilation  System

GarageSystem2E.Z. Breathe garage ventilation system continually exhausts garage toxins & pollutants before they can enter your home, for just pennies a day!
E.Z. Breathe is rated ENERGY STAR and an ally of the EPA indoor Plus program.

Canada Housing & Mortgage Corporation…“recommend installing an exhaust fan to vent the garage air to outside. The fan would also help depressurize the garage relative to the house, thereby preventing air movement from the garage to the home, even it leaks.”For more supportive recommendations, information and case studies we suggest researching CHMC, Health Canada, Environment Canada & EPA websites.

Give your investment and families’ health, the protection they deserve say
“ABSOLUTELY” to having an EZ Breathe™ installed today.