What stage is your foundation at?
Stage 1 (no visible water yet)
- Mould, mildew, musty odour
- Dampness
- Discolouration on wall coverings
- Rust on appliances
- Occupant/s experiencing allergies
Stage 2 (no visible water yet)
- White powder on walls (efflorescence)
- Consistently damp
- Hairline cracks on wall/floor/s
- Severe wall/floor discolouration
- Basement odour increasing
Stage 3
- Seepage during moderate rains
- Flooding during heavy rains
- enlargement of wall/floor cracks
- Bottom of wall deterioration
- Basement smells bad
Stage 4
- Mud & silt intrusion
- Corners of basement are cracking
- Floor undermining
- Walls buckling
- Structural damage
Stage 5
- House on the move!
Can you afford to wait for the final stages of devastation?
Protect your home and your families health
call us today for a resolution